In Telegram the verification code didn't get, I think it's about the update. Whatever, I found a method to get verification code in telegram. Requirements: 1. Smartphone 2. Fdroid Process: Step 1: Download the Fdroid from the above link and open it. Step 2: At the main page swipe down to update the repository (updating the collection of application from their server) Step 3: Then search for Telegram in the search bar and download it. Step 4: Now you can get the verification code from telegram. Have a nice day!!
Now I am going to tell you that trick. It's obvious to get the site that blocked in our country... because it is useful for knowledge and much more fun things aren't?!. Ok.. whatever... let's start Requirements: 1. Smartphone 2. Kiwi Browser 3. ADM (Advance Download Manager) Process: Step 1: install the kiwi browser from the Above link. And open it search for Chrome Webstore . Step 2: Now in the chrome web store search for Browsec and Adblocker . Then install them. Step 3: Then open a new tab and click on the three-dot in the upper right corner of the browser and select Browsec (green color), then click on the green button unblock me. Step 4 : you can unlock sites you want. Step 5: ADM is the best application for downloading. It has more facility, during the download you can change your download link if the download about to retry or dead link. Step 6 : you can add the ADM to the kiwi browser and download what you want. I think if you us...